Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Rolling Stone

Still isn't extracted

I've been running around seeing different doctors for different reasons all week. The urologist told me they'd be in contact - he wanted to review my CT scan, Xray and lab results. So, I saw him today for a plan of attack. He had another CT scan done because the Xray seemed to indicate the stone had passed out of the kidney and into the ureter. Turns out it was still in the kidney.

So, I've gotta see my main Doctor's nurse practitioner tomorrow for a pre-op physical, and a cardiologist Friday for an EKG. Monday is when I'm scheduled for out patient surgery. He wants to go in with a camera and crush the stone. If it moves, he can run a more flexible tube "up" there. And, if all that fails, he can place a stent to regroup and do a lithotripsy later. He'll be doing that for the other stones in the left kidney later. Also, I don't have a stent in my left kidney - I thought I had one, and thought I remembered seeing it on an Xray for something else once, but it ain't there now. Which is good - they can get a lot of deposits built up and become difficult to remove.

I also had the option of being admitted into the emergency room and he'd have taken it out tonight. If I can't stand the pain until Monday that is always an option. Strikes me as a better deal all around if all the i's are dotted ect. - do it the outpatient way.

So, that's the plan!


Sezme said...

Oy...feel better real soon! Praying for you!

ptg said...

What RT said.

Kathy B. said...

hoping all goes well Jeffro! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for some relief. Ouch!